Sharon Chanley

Chanley’s Creations

Sharon Chanley

Sharon Chanley is our “faery lady” bringing magical dolls to us from nearby Florence. Sharon started creating her dolls about 10 years ago when her mother passed and left her art and craft supplies to Sharon. It was bins and boxes of fabric, ribbons, embellishments, yarn, and more but Sharon didn’t know what to do with it all. She didn’t view herself as creative - she had been an administrator for her whole career; and didn’t draw or paint. But she could sew and when she saw a magazine Art Dolls Quarterly and the faeries in it, she KNEW what to do! She had discovered her passion!

Her dolls include faeries, spirit dolls, characters, and critters. They range in size from about 8 inches to up to 3 feet tall. Each has a unique design “OOAK” one-of-a-kind. She uses a variety of media, including a huge array of fabrics, yarns, beads, and embellishments.

She also creates designs for special orders for gifts, table centerpieces, or for a variety of holidays. Sharon also hosts periodic day-long classes in faery-making with themes for some major holidays such as Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Participants will be able to select from different fabric designs, as well as supplies such as yarn, paper for wings, and hair.

Sharon Chanley - Chanley's Creations Faery
Sharon Chanley - Chanley's Creations Faery