Merri Daley

Oils and Palette Knife

Merri Daley - Oils and Palette Knife

2023 First Place Blossom Art Show, Canon City, CO

2023 March 2 nd Pl and Honorable Mention FCA Spring Awakening Show

2021 First Place Paint the Town Plein Air Event, Florence CO

2021 1 st and 2 nd pl VCTA Victor Heritage Society

2021 July 1 st Place Bell Tower, Florence Under Western Skies

Architecture Award and Patron Award Florence Paint the Town 2020, 2019

Selected artwork for the 24 th National Exhibit of Plein Air Paintings 2020

Wilder Nightingale Fine Art, Taos, NM

Selected plein air paintings hung in the Colorado State Capital Building 2018

Numerous awards incl. Best of Shows at the Bell Tower and Fremont Center for the Arts

Bachelor of Science Ball State University in Art Education, taught art in public schools.

Member of the American Impressionist Society, Plein Air Artists of Colorado, Fremont Center for the

Arts and the Florence Arts Council.

I work in oils and a palette knife, striving to bring intention and strength to my paintings.

You can visit her website here:

Merri Daley Landscape
Merri Daley Landscape